

Author: Leader in Me
September 14, 2023



Student Curriculum Companions


Digital Curriculum Teacher Notes



April 2024

Teaching Academics Is Not Enough

  1. Immordino-Yang, M. H., Darling-Hammond, L., & Krone, C. (2019). The brain basis for social-emotional learning also supports academic learning. UNESCO
  2. Jones, S. M., & Kahn, J. (2017). The Evidence Base for How We Learn: Supporting Students’ Social, Emotional, and Academic Development. Consensus Statements of Evidence from the Council of Distinguished Scientists. Aspen Institute.
  3. Allen, J., Belfi, B., & Borghans, L. (2020). Is there a rise in the importance of socioemotional skills in the labor market? Evidence from a trend study among college graduates. Frontiers in psychology, 11, 509097.
  4. Danielski, D. (2019). Impact of Leader in Me on socia lemotional learning of elementary students. [Doctoral Dissertation, National Louis University]. Digital Commons@NLU.

Workforce Readiness

  1. Allen, J., Belfi, B., & Borghans, L. (2020). Is there a rise in the importance of socioemotional skills in the labor market? Evidence from a trend study among college graduates. Frontiers in psychology, 11, 509097.
  2. Suarta, I. M., Suwintana, I. K., Sudhana, I. F. P., & Hariyanti, N. K. D. (2017, September). Employability skills required by the 21st century workplace: A literature review of labor market demand. In International Conference on Technology and Vocational Teachers (ICTVT 2017) (pp. 337–342). Atlantis Press.
  3. Abdullayeva Muborak Rahmatullayevna. (2024). Inquiry-based learning (IBL) in mathematics lessons. American Journal of Interdisciplinary Research and Development, 24, 46–50.
  4. Danielski, D. (2019). Impact of Leader in Me on socia lemotional learning of elementary students. [Doctoral Dissertation, National Louis University]. Digital Commons@NLU.

March 2024


Problem Solving

  1. Gouda-Vossos, A., Sarkar, M., Thompson, C., Overton, T., & Ziebell, A. (2023). An evidence-based approach to employability curricula and transferable skill development: A mixed methods study. Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice, 20(5).
  2. Walker, A. (2023). 10 skills employers look for in college graduates. LinkedIn.
  3. Abdullayeva Muborak Rahmatullayevna. (2024). Inquiry-based learning (IBL) in mathematics lessons. American Journal of Interdisciplinary Research and Development, 24, 46–50.
  4. Danielski, D. (2019). Impact of Leader in Me on social emotional learning of elementary students. [Doctoral Dissertation, National Louis University]. Digital Commons@ NLU.


  1. Kuhn, D. (2022). Metacognition matters in many ways. Educational Psychologist, 57(2), 73–86.
  2. Antonio, R. P. & Prudente, M. S. (2022). Effectiveness of metacognitive instruction on students’ science learning achievement: A meta-analysis. International Journal on Studies in Education (IJonSE), 4(1), 43–54.
  3. Wass, R., Rogers, T., Brown, K., Smith-Han, K., Tagg, J., Berg, D., & Gallagher, S. (2023). Pedagogical training for developing students’ metacognition: implications for educators. International Journal for Academic Development, 1–14.
  4. Dethlefs, T., Green, M., Molapo, T., Opsal, C., & Yang, C. D. (2017). Evaluation of the Leader in Me in the Cedar Valley [Research Report]. Leader Valley Foundation.

February 2024



  1. Brassey, J. & De Smet, A. (2023). How to become more adaptable in challenging situations. Harvard Business Review.
  2. Brassey, J., De Smet, A., Kothari, A., Lavoie, J., Mugayar-Baldocchi, M., & Zolley, S. (2021). Future proof: Solving the ‘adaptability paradox’ for the long term. McKinsey & Company.
  3. Renzulli, J. (2020). The catch-a-wave theory of adaptability: Core competencies for developing gifted behaviors in the second machine age of technology. International Journal for Talent Development and Creativity, 8(1), 79-95.
  4. Dethlefs, T., Green, M., Molapo, T., Opsal, C., & Yang, C. D. (2017). Evaluation of the Leader in Me in the Cedar Valley [Research Report]. Leader Valley Foundation.

Critical Thinking

    1. Sellars, M., Fakirmohammad R., Bui, L., Fishetti, J., Niyozov, S., Reynolds, R., Thapliyal, N.,  Liu-Smith, Y. & Ali, N. (2018). Conversations on critical thinking: Can critical thinking find its way forward as the skill set and mindset of the century?” Education Sciences 8(4): 205.
    2. Bouygues, H. (2023). 5 Questions to improve critical thinking skills.
    3. Paul, R. & Elder, L. (n.d.). Defining critical thinking. The Foundation for Critical Thinking.
    4. Laird-Arnold, K. N. (2022). A case study of cultural awareness integration throughout the elementary education curriculum [Doctoral Dissertations and Projects, Liberty University]. Digital Commons.

January 2024


Self-Discipline and Success

  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Division of Adolescent and School Health. (2023). The youth risk behavior survey data summary & trends report: 2011–2021.
  2. Marques, S.C., Gallagher, M.W., & Lopez, S.J. (2017). Hope and academic related outcomes: A meta-analysis. School Mental Health 9, 250–262.
  3. Snyder, C., Tran, T., Schroeder, L., Pulvers, K., Adams, V.,& Laub, L. (2008). Teaching the hope recipe: Setting goals, finding pathways to those goals and getting motivated. CYC-Net.
  4. Danielski, D. (2019). Impact of Leader in Me on socialemotional learning of elementary students. [Doctoral Dissertation, National Louis University]. Digital Commons@NLU.

Time Management

  1. Time management statistics for 2024 (2023, December 18). Timeular.
  2. Strom, P., Hendon, K., Strom, R., & Wang, C. (2022). High school student stress and school improvement. School Community Journal, 32(2), 205-228.
  3. Peng, T. Z., & Kamil, B. A. M. (2017). Time management, procrastination and prioritization: A framework for service based learning module. e-Academia Journal, 6(2), 60-70.
  4. Danielski, D. (2019). Impact of Leader in Me on social-emotional learning of elementary students [Doctoral Dissertation, National Louis University]. Digital Commons@NLU. 

December 2023


Teacher Attrition

  1. Hanover Research. (2019, July 22). Tackle the top drivers of teacher attrition.
  2. Greenberg, M. T., Brown J. L., Abenavoli, R. M. (2016). Teacher stress and health: Effects on teachers, students, and schools [Issue Brief]. Edna Bennett Pierce Prevention Research Center, Pennsylvania State University. 
  3. Jacobson, D. A. (2016). Causes and effects of teacher burnout [Doctoral Dissertation, Walden University]. ScholarWorks.
  4. Sainz, A. J. (2021). The Leader In Me and its effects on school culture and leadership (Publication No. 28966047) [Doctoral Dissertation, Lindenwood University]. ProQuest Dissertations Publishing.
  5. Villares, E., Miller. A. E., Chevalier, J. A. (2023). The impact of Leader in Me on the school climate and student behaviours: A meta-analysis. International Journal of Education Policy and Leadership, 19(2), 1-16.

Chronic Absenteeism (Meta-analysis)

6. Rubin, A. (2023, November 21). 15 million students chronically miss school in post-COVID spike. Axios.

7. Balfanz, R., & Byrnes, V. (2020). Chronic absenteeism in the classroom context: Effects on achievement. Educational Researcher, 49(2), 85-95.

8. Van Eck, K., Johnson, S. R., Bettencourt, A. & Lindstrom Johnson, S. L. (2017). How school climate relates to chronic absence: A multi-level latent profile analysis. Journal of School Psychology, 61, 89-102. 

9. Villares, E., Miller. A. E., Chevalier, J. A. (2023). The impact of Leader in Me on the school climate and student behaviours: A meta-analysis. International Journal of Education Policy and Leadership, 19(2), 1-16.

Student Behavior

10. Prothero, A. (2023, April 20). Student behavior isn’t getting any better, survey shows. EducationWeek. 

11. Lannie, A. L., & McCurdy, B. L. (2007). Preventing disruptive behavior in the urban classroom: Effects of the good behavior game on student and teacher behavior. Education and Treatment of Children, 30(1), 85-98. 

12. Monteiro, V., Carvalho, C., & Santos, N. N. (2021). Creating a supportive classroom environment through effective feedback: Effects on students’ school identification and behavioral management. Frontiers in Education, 6, Article 661736.

13. Villares, E., Miller. A. E., Chevalier, J. A. (2023). The impact of Leader in Me on the school climate and student behaviours: A meta-analysis. International Journal of Education Policy and Leadership, 19(2), 1-16. 

Student Leadership

14. Ouchen, L., Tifroute, L., & Hariri, K. E. (2022). Soft skills through the prism of primary school teachers. European Journal of Educational Research, 11(4), 2303-2313. 

15. Yoder, N., Atwell, M. N., Godek, D., Dusenbury, L., Bridgeland, J. M., & Weissberg, R. (2020, June). Preparing youth for the workforce of tomorrow: Cultivating the social and emotional skills employers demand. Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning. 

16. Jones, S. M., Brush, K. E., Ramirez, T., Mao, Z. X., Marenus, M., Wettje, S., Finney, K., Raisch, N., Podoloff, N., Kahn, J., Barnes, S., Stickle, L., Brion-Meisels, G., McInrtyre, J., Cuartas, J., & Bailey, R. (2021). Navigating SEL from the inside out. Looking inside & across 33 leading SEL programs: A practical resource for schools and OST providers. Preschool & Elementary Focus (2nd ed.) The Wallace Foundation.

17. Villares, E., Miller. A. E., Chevalier, J. A. (2023). The impact of Leader in Me on the school climate and student behaviours: A meta-analysis. International Journal of Education Policy and Leadership, 19(2), 1-16.

November 2023


Goal-Setting and Academic Success

  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Division of Adolescent and School Health. (2023). The youth risk behavior survey data summary & trends report: 2011–2021.
  2. Marques, S.C., Gallagher, M.W., & Lopez, S.J. (2017). Hope and academic related outcomes: A meta-analysis. School Mental Health 9, 250–262.
  3. Snyder, C., Tran, T., Schroeder, L., Pulvers, K., Adams, V.,& Laub, L. (2008). Teaching the hope recipe: Setting goals, finding pathways to those goals and getting motivated. CYC-Net.
  4. Danielski, D. (2019). Impact of Leader in Me on socialemotional learning of elementary students. [Doctoral Dissertation, National Louis University]. Digital Commons@NLU.

Goal Achievement

  1. Dweck, C. (2006). Mindset: The new psychology of success. Random House.
  2. Duckworth, A. L., Peterson C., Matthews, M.D., & Kelly D.R. (2007). Grit: Perseverance and passion for long-term goals. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 92(6), 1087–1101.
  3. Gallo, C. (2022). How champions turn setbacks into success, according to a professional performance coach. Forbes.
  4. Dethlefs, T., Green, M., Molapo, T., Opsal, C., & Yang, C. D. (2017). Evaluation of the Leader in Me in the Cedar Valley [Research Report]. Leader Valley Foundation.

October 2023


Emotion Regulation

  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Division of Adolescent and School Health. (2023). The youth risk behavior survey data summary & trends report: 2011–2021.
  2. UCLA Center for Developing Adolescents. (n.d). Decision making & emotional regulation.’%20ability,is%20appropriate%20to%20the%20situation
  3. Taylor, J. B. (2009). My stroke of insight. Hachette UK.
  4. Danielski, D. (2019).  Impact of Leader in Me on social-emotional learning of elementary students [Doctoral Dissertation, National Louis University]. Digital Commons@NLU.

Values Clarification

  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Division of Adolescent and School Health. (2023). The youth risk behavior survey data summary & trends report: 2011–2021.
  2. Vecchione, M. & Schwartz, S. (2022). Personal values and academic achievement. British Journal of Psychology, 113(3), 630–652.
  3. Yukhymenko-Lescroart, M. & Sharma, G. (2022). Sense of life purpose is related to grades of high school students via academic identity. Heliyon, 8(11), e11494.
  4. Goble, B., Zhang, J., Suzuki, K., Norman, T., Houchens, G., Redifer, J., Schroeder, A., Elliott, C., Chon, K. & Miller, S. (2015, April 19). The impact of the Leader in Me on student engagement and social emotional skills. In Z. Zhu (Chair), Evaluating the Impact of Social and Emotional Learning Programs on School and Student Outcomes [Roundtable Session]. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, Il.

September 2023



  1. Steiner, P. (2014, August 19). The impact of the self-awareness process on learning and leading. New England Board of Higher Education.
  2. London, M., Sessa, V., & Shelley, L. (2023). Developing self-awareness: Learning processes for self- and interpersonal growth. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior10(1), 261–288.
  3. Mertens, E., Dekovic, M., van Londen, M., & Reitz, E. (2022). Parallel changes in positive youth development and self-awareness: The role of emotional self-regulation, self-esteem, and self-reflection. Prevention Science23, 502–512. ttps://   
  4. Gage, C. & Thomas, S. (2019). Elementary teachers’ perceptions of social and emotional learning and its effects on school climate, student behavior, and academic achievement. The Alabama Journal of Educational Leadership, 6, 41–51.

Executive Function 2

  1. Berry, A. (2022). Reimagining student engagement: From disrupting to driving. Corwin Press.
  2. Anderson, R., Graham, M., Kennedy, P., Nelson, N., Stoolmiller, M., Baker, S., & Fien, H. (2019). Student agency at the crux: Mitigating disengagement in middle and high school. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 56, 205–217.
  3. Student Engagement. (2023). Gradient Learning Poll.
  4. Chen, P., Bao, C., & Gao, Q. (2021). Proactive personality and academic engagement: The mediating effects of teacher-student relationships and academic self-efficacy. Frontiers in Psychology12, 652994.
  5. Danielski, D. (2019).  Impact of Leader in Me on social-emotional learning of elementary students [Doctoral Dissertation, National Louis University]. Digital Commons@NLU.

August 2023


Executive Function 1

  1. Irwin, V., Want, K., Tezil, T., Filbey, A., & Jung, J., Bullock Mann, F., Dilig, R., and Parker, S. (2023). Report on the condition of education 2023 (NCES 2023–144). U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics.
  2. Zalazo, P. D., Blair, C. B., & Willoughby, M. T. (2016). Executive function: Implications for education (NCER 2017–2000). National Center for Education Research, Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education.
  3. Diamond, A. (2014). Want to optimize executive functions and academic outcomes? Simple, just nourish the human spirit. Minnesota Symposia on Child Psychology(Series), 37, 205–232.
  4. Gage, C. & Thomas, S. (2019). Elementary teachers’ perceptions of social and emotional learning and its effects on school climate, student behavior, and academic achievement. The Alabama Journal of Educational Leadership, 6, 41–51.

Making Time to Teach Executive Function

  1. Street. R. (2020). Positive behavior supports and teacher stress [Electronic Theses and Dissertations, East Tennessee State University]. Digital Commons.
  2. Zee, M., & Koomen, H. (2016). Teacher self-efficacy and its effects on classroom processes, student academic adjustment, and teacher well-being: A synthesis of 40 years of research. Review of Educational Research86(4), 981–1015.
  3. Brock, L., Murrah, W., Cottone, E., Mashburn, A., & Grissmer, D. (2018). An after-school intervention targeting executive function and visuospatial skills also improves classroom behavior. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 42(5), 474–484.
  4. White, M. (2018). A quasi-experimental study of the effect of the Leader in Me on attendance and discipline in Missouri schools [Technical Report]. Survey Research Center Institute for Social Research, The University of Michigan.

July 2023


Student Well-being 1

  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Division of Adolescent and School Health. (2023). The youth risk behavior survey data summary & trends report: 2011–2021.
  2. Allen, K., Kern, M., Vella-Brodrick, D., Hattie, J., & Waters, L. (2018). What schools need to know about fostering school belonging: A meta-analysis. Educational Psychology Review, 30(1),1–34.
  3. Bandura, A. (1991). Social cognitive theory of self-regulation. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 50(2), 248–287.
  4. Gage, C. & Thomas, S. (2019). Elementary teachers’ perceptions of social and emotional learning and its effects on school climate, student behavior, and academic achievement. The Alabama Journal of Educational Leadership, 6, 41–51.

Student Well-being 2

  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Division of Adolescent and School Health (DASH). (2023). The youth risk behavior survey data summary & trends report: 2011–2021.
  2. Center for Psychology in Schools and Education. (2021, October). Students experiencing stress: APA mental health primers. American Psychological Association. 
  3. Jung, L. A. (2020). There’s more to emotional self-regulation than meets the eye. Educational Leadership, 78(3), 46–51.
  4. Sainz, A. J. (2021). The Leader in Me and its effects on school culture and leadership (Publication No. 28966047) [Doctoral Dissertation, Lindenwood University]. ProQuest Dissertations Publishing.

Student Attendance

  1. Chang,H., Balfanz, R., & Byrnes, V. (2022, September 27). Pandemic causes alarming increase in chronic absence and reveals need for better data. Attendance Works.
  2. Garcia, E. & Weiss, E. (2018). Student absenteeism: Who misses school and how missing school matters for performance. Economic Policy
  3. Robinson, V. & Gray, E. (2019). What difference does school leadership make to student outcomes? Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 49(2), 171–187.
  4. Pascale, A. B., Ohlson, M., & Lee. J. W. (2017). The habits of highly effective schools: Analyzing the impact of “Leader in Me” schools in Florida. Florida Association of Teacher Educators Journal, 2(1), 6–22.

Teacher Attrition

  1. Jacobson, D. A. (2016). Causes and effects of teacher burnout [Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies, Walden University]. ScholarWorks.
  2. Senechal, J., Sober, T., Hope, S., Johnson,T., Burkhalter, F., Castelow, T., Gilfillan, D., Jackson, K., Nabors, A., Neuman, P., Robinson, R., Sergeant, R., Stanford, S., & Varljen, D. (2016). Understanding teacher morale. Richmond, VA: Metropolitan Educational Research Consortium.
  3. Sainz, A. J. (2021). The Leader in Me and its effects on school culture and leadership (Publication No. 28966047) [Doctoral Dissertation, Lindenwood University]. ProQuest Dissertations Publishing.

June 2023


Teacher–Student Relationships

  1. Sparks, S. D. (2017). How teachers’ stress affects students: A research roundup. EducationWeek
  2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Division of Adolescent and School Health (DASH). (2023). The youth risk behavior survey data summary & trends report: 2011–2021.
  3. Bolden, P. (2019). An evaluation of the “Leader in Me” program implementation in a central Georgia elementary school [Doctoral Dissertation, Valdosta State University]. Vtext Repository.

Student Engagement

  1. Gerszberg, C.O. (2017). Best practices for bringing mindfulness into schools. Mindful
  2. Pascale, A. B., Ohlson, M., & Lee. J. W. (2017). The habits of highly effective schools: Analyzing the impact of “Leader in Me” schools in Florida. Florida Association of Teacher Educators Journal, 2(1), 6–22.

May 2023


Family Involvement

  1. Barger, M. M., Kim, E. M., Kuncel, N. R., & Pomerantz, E. M. (2019). The relation between parents’ involvement in children’s schooling and children’s adjustment: A meta-analysis. Psychological Bulletin, 145(9), 855–890.
  2. Hall, C. M. (2020). The impact of family engagement on student achievement. Networks: An Online Journal for Teacher Research22(2).
  3. Shepard, J. (2018). Program evaluation of The Leader in Me in a rural elementary school with emphasis on Hispanic students [Doctoral Dissertation, Gardner-Webb University]. Digital Commons.

Chronic Absenteeism

  1. Chang, H., Balfanz, R., & Byrnes, V. (2022, September 27). Pandemic causes alarming increase in chronic absence and reveals need for better data. Attendance Works.
  2. Garcia, E. & Weiss, E. (2018). Student absenteeism: Who misses school and how missing school matters for performance. Economic Policy
  3. Pascale, A. B., Ohlson, M., & Lee. J. W. (2017). The habits of highly effective schools: Analyzing the impact of “Leader in Me” schools in Florida. Florida Association of Teacher Educators Journal, 2(1), 6–22.

April 2023


Teacher Effectiveness

  1. Nguyen, T., Lam, C., & Bruno, P. (2022). Is there a national teacher shortage? A systematic examination of reports of teacher shortages in the United States. (EdWorkingPaper No. 22–631). Annenberg Institute at Brown University.
  2. The New Teacher Project. (2018). The opportunity myth: What students can show us about how school is letting them down—and how to fix it.
  3. Bergin, C., Hill, S., Prewett, S., Tsai, C., Jones, E., & Murphy, B. (2018). The Leader in Me effectiveness study [Executive summary]. FranklinCovey Education.

School Environment

  1. Prothero, A. (2020). Teens are growing depressed and disconnected from school, student survey finds. EducationWeek.
  2. Civic, Atwell, M. N., & Bridgeland, J. M. (2019). Ready to lead: A 2019 update of principals’ perspectives on how social and emotional learning can prepare children and transform schools. CASEL.
  3. Sainz, A. J. (2021). The Leader in Me and its effects on school culture and leadership (Publication No. 28966047) [Doctoral Dissertation, Lindenwood University]. Digital Commons.


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