Positive Impacts to Student Disciplinary Referrals and Attendance Rates
Author: Leader in Me
January 24, 2018

A Quasi-Experimental Study of the Effect of the Leader in Me on Attendance and Discipline in Missouri Schools
Dr. Mark White (2018) University of Michigan
This quasi-experimental study explored the effect of Leader in Me on attendance and disciplinary rates in Missouri elementary schools. The analysis used publically available school-level data pulled from Missouri’s Department of Education and Common Core of Data to run propensity-score analyses to accurately match Leader in Me with non-Leader in Me Schools.
A continuous interrupted time-series analysis of these matched school pairs revealed positive results for Leader in Me in attendance and discipline. Leader in Me Schools were found to have 42% fewer discipline incidences than matched controls. The reduction was hugely significant at the p < .0001 level (the highest level of reported statistical significance).
• 42% fewer discipline incidences than predicted by pre-LiM performance and matched controls
• Increased attendance in Missouri Leader in Me 3.0 Schools (p=0.007)1
• Decreased rates of attendance for Missouri schools that exited Leader in Me. (p<0.001)