Selfie Scavenger Hunt
Author: Kim Nelson
January 25, 2017

Creative Leadership to Boost Morale Enthusiasm
As a Leader in Me School in the third year of implementation, we have our highs and lows, or ebbs and flows. Our mission statement, which we strive for each day, is “All belong, all learn, all lead to succeed.” Most days we have a positive learning culture, but at times we are human and can find ourselves grumpy and feeling the pressures of student achievement.
This past fall, our school was in the middle of statewide testing. The technology was giving us fits and we were not satisfied with our student scores—not to mention we were in the middle of installing a new elevator that kept our building “out of sorts” with noisy construction work. Our counselor reached out to me and shared that she felt, due to our construction and assessment frustrations, our staff was really down and needed a boost. That night I searched the Internet and really couldn’t put my finger on something I felt met their needs at the time, but I kept running across “scavenger hunts.” Then it clicked. What about a “selfie” scavenger hunt?
The “Selfie Scavenger Hunt” is Born
I cranked out five ideas of photos they could capture in a short time period, and created a checklist for them to work as a team with their Accountability Partners. We kicked off the professional-development time with the selfie scavenger hunt and they roamed the halls and sidewalks of our school building. Some teams sprinted from spot to spot, while others planned carefully. When they completed their task, we carried out our learning for the day and then met to review the photos. The results were amazing!
Each team came up with one of each of the following within 10 minutes:
- Find a location you feel “represents” our school.
- Create a situation that demonstrates one of the 7 Habits.
- Find a non-teacher staff member and take a photo with him or her.
- Take a selfie of yourselves reading (our current schoolwide goal)!
- Be creative; come up with your own idea and make up a title/theme for it!
Here is one sample of a photo with one of the construction workers. Can you tell which habit they are demonstrating?
We want to hear about all of the wonderful things that are going on at your school! Click here to learn how you can submit your own story on The Leader in Me Blog, Facebook, and Twitter channels today!
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Tags: great schools, leadership culture, middle school, principals, professional development, school climate, school culture, school environment, staff development, staff engagement, student activities, student empowerment, Student Engagement