Benton Heights Elementary School

We are a prek-5 Title 1 school (est. 1920) in Monroe, NC. We have 550 students which includes 3 self contained CBSS classrooms. We are 100% Free and Reduced lunch status with 85% Hispanic, 10% African American and 5% other. We have 4 face to face classrooms in each grade level and 1 virtual class per grade level. Our staff includes 2 EC Resource teachers, 4 ESL teachers and 1 AIG teacher. We are in our fifth year of TLIM and consider ourselves a “developing” TLIM school with some spotlights in “mature” and “sustaining” features according to the Lighthouse Rubric. We are A+ Arts integration school. Our campus features a dance studio, a performing arts center, a piano lab and a drama class in addition to PE, art and music. We have a strong counseling team (two counselors and a social worker) and a sensory garden that supports our focus on SEL. We have had success this year with academics and the arts because of the resilence of our staff and students. We are proud to share how the TLIM grounded us to survive and thrive in a pandemic!

Leadership in the Arts

Come see the talents of our students. We also want to show how the arts are integrated into the classrooms.


The Inverted Triangle at BHESA

Want to see our school wide WIGs? Let’s start at the top of the inverted triangle and then take you on a tour to see the grade level score boards, Then step inside the classrooms to see the students participate with tracking their class data (virtual and face to face classrooms). Last of all, take a glance at leadership notebooks where students set and track their personal goals (electronically and hardcopy).


Tour Our Unique Campus

Come tour our unique campus with student leaders as they show you: our Piano Lab, the drama class, our dance studio, our performing arts center, our science lab, and our sensory garden!


Succeeding in a Virtual World with Systems

Let our students show you how we navigate thru CANVAS with K-5 consistent framework.


We Sharpened our Saws to Overcome Barriers

Come see the skills of our tech savvy students, hosting virtual parent nights, the tech tools that our teachers are using to collaborate and teach the curriculum, and the delivery of Habit time lessons. We established ways to bridge home and school.


Empowering Leaders

Come see the leadership roles of students and experience the shared leadership of our staff. Experience a student led conference.


Indian Trail Elementary School

We are a PreK-5 high-average SES school (est. 1926) in Indian Trail, North Carolina. We have 560 students which includes one NC PreK classroom and two EC-PreK classrooms. We are 39% Free and Reduced lunch status (preCOVID) with 65% White/Caucasian, 16% Hispanic, 10% African American and 9% other. We are a very diverse population, which is a unique feature of our school that we celebrate and embrace with enthusiasm. We are in our eighth year of TLIM implementation and consider ourselves a “mature” TLIM Lighthouse school with some spotlights in “sustaining” features, according to the Lighthouse Rubric. We have had success this year with estalibishing systems for aligning academics and the 4 Disciplines of Execution in our private data. We are proud to share how the principles of the TLIM framework have helped us to be system-centric and operate in our circle of control, which has empowered us to be a beacon of hope and rise stronger together in a pandemic!

Clubs to Genius Hour – Involved and Informed

Gardening, Puzzles and Dance – Oh My! Learn how clubs at ITES transformed to Genius Hour to align with our new paradigm. Student leaders select a topic, research and present to other students on what they learned. The possibilities are endless for resilient, self-directed learning.


Our Journey to Lighthouse Through the Years

Each Lighthouse has its own design and purpose. Learn how our school has grown during our eight-year journey and empowers us for future-ready leadership.


PLC Planning Hour – Transformational Framework

This session explores the ITES PLC Planning Protocol. During the session, we will explore how our teams begin with the end in mind and backwards plan in order to bring the big picture into focus. Then we will discuss how PLCs take a deep dive into standards in order to create short-range plans aimed at meeting the rigor of the standards as well as the diverse needs of our learners.


A Revolution of Kindness to our Community Through Service

Understanding and developing emotional skills and the need for social-emotional development in all children is forefront at our school. Feeling and showing empathy for others is evident in community service. Learn how each grade level embraced local organizations and fulfilled their needs.


Enabling Greatness Through Habit Time!

Just like a warm bowl of oatmeal, morning meetings and habit time are a great way to start the day at ITES. Introducing common language, teamwork and balance through the habits makes for a resilient, positive culture for student social-emotional empowerment each day.


Parkwood Middle School

PWMS begins its first year as a Leader in Me School with a faculty of 23 Core Teachers 12 Elective Teachers, 4 Administrators, 5 EC Educators, 4 Office Staff, 1 SRO, and 15 Support Staff. This incredible team serves 809 students in the following demographics: 11.4% Black, 71.3% White, 12.8% Hispanic, 4.8% Other. Of these students, 39% qualify for free and reduced lunch. Parkwood’s strength has always been our ability to form positive relationships among students and staff. Our team mentality created a successful start to our The Leader in Me journey during a challenging year.

Lighting the Way: Successful Action Teams Under Lighthouse Leadership

Parkwood’s greatest asset will always be its people; the hard work and collaboration among the adults at Parkwood has led to successful Action Teams each led by a Lighthouse Team member. This session will discuss the formation of our teams, their responsibilities, and the plans we have in place for launching our Student Lighthouse Team next school year.


Creativity & Covid: Launching Leader in Me in a Hybrid World

Our team has faced the combined challenges of implementing LiM and Hybrid learning with positivity and diligence. Our unique solutions motivate our students to succeed and have generated practices we will continue to use.


Leadership in Lesson Planning

Parkwood Middle School teachers came together as a team to create recorded content for our in person and virtual students. By dividing and conquering, we have amassed a library of virtual lessons introducing our students to the Leader In Me.


Encouraging Students through Rewards

The Renaissance program has been an element of life at Parkwood Middle for over a decade. This year we have used it to promote Leadership behavior in our students. Furthermore, one of our Action Teams has undertaken the daunting task of improving student attendance through rewards.


Accountability: Supporting Planning and Purpose in Partnership

One of our Action Teams has helped our staff establish partnerships to hold one another accountable in this trying year. In addition, an unexpected side effect of the academic challenges that students are facing is the formation of accountability groups. These groups were created organically by children looking for a way to be successful. Our action team and these students will discuss how they communicate with one another, steps they take to set goals, and the positive outcomes they have seen.


Prospect Elementary

We are a K-5 elementary school located in the rural part of Monroe, NC. This school year our Prospect family serves 357 students with 77% White, 15% Hispanic, 4% Black, and 4% identified as Other. Currently we have 318 students coming to school for face-to-face instruction and 39 students participating in a Virtual Academy class in our school’s cluster. Prospect is currently in year 3 of Leader in Me and our mission is to continue to grow leaders. When we first began this leadership journey, we started with a small group of staff members who discussed our school’s identity, our place in the community, and how we could effectively serve our population while honoring traditions. Once we started our research, we were drawn to Leader in Me; teams of teachers visited other LIM schools and learned more about how we could grow our students and ourselves personally and professionally. Prospect’s strength has always been the ability to synergize and create a positive culture within the school and community.

Growing Leaders: Student Data Notebooks

If you want to see how students track their own data and monitor their learning, join this session. Different grade levels have adapted how students gather and track their own data so that it’s individualized and meets the needs of students in a hybrid environment. You will hear from students and teachers.


Aligning Systems: Transformation Through Strategic Goal Alignment

Lighthouse and Action team members will discuss their structure and how they have worked to align student, class, and school goals to the MTSS process and NCSTAR.


Creating WIGs: Setting Students and Grade Level Teams up for Success

Where do you start with helping students set goals? How do you create team and class goals? This team will take you through their journey this school year. You will hear from both the teachers’ and students’ perspective.


Rocky River Elementary

Rocky River is a Title 1 elementary school in Monroe, NC serving pre-kindergarten through 5th grade students. Currently enrollment stands at 550 students, with 110 of them being served virtually. We have aproximately 9% of students being served with an IEP, 14% identified as ESL, and we are the setting for Union County Public School’s elementary Deaf and Hard of Hearing students. 100% of our students are served a free lunch through a federal grant, but before then, 67% of our students qualified for Free and Reduced Lunch. We are also a UCPS meal pick-up location. We are a diverse school with 39% of our students identifying as white, 32% Hispanic, 20% Black, and 8% multi-racial. Rocky River has implemented The Leader in Me for 8 years, and has been a “Lighthouse” school for 3 years.

Family Engagement: Helping Our Families Feel Connected

Car talk, coffee hour, and Monthly Habit Time help our parents feel connected to what is happening at their child’s school. Rocky RIver offers many ways for our parents and children to continue the conversation at home, chat with staff, and share successes as we all grow as leaders.


The Certification and Recertification Process

Hear from our Lighthouse Coordinator about the steps our school took to become a Lighthouse School and what we are doing to maintain our certification. You will also listen to it from the perspective of a couple students who have been long-time member of SLH and have been facilitators of the evolution.


Big Rocks in Student Lighthouse

Learn how Rocky River uses committees within Student Lighthouse to tackle big rocks and how Canvas allows Student Lighthouse to communicate and complete tasks throughout the year, whether students are in school or virtual. You will get helpful tips and practical steps to transform your SLH from passive volunteers to passionate participants.


Synergizing During Problem-Solving

Ms. Wood uses music to up the rigor, facilitate leadership, and incrase participation in math class. You can feel the energy in the room as children own their learning and synergize with minimal teacher input. This is a great way to practice retrieval iof previously taught concepts and practice problem solving each day. Music and movement is an important part of the day at Rocky River. Watch how music selection takes this activity to the next level.


Aligning Academics: Student Leaders in Core Subjects

Watch Mrs. Parra’s class leveraging their strengths to make all students leaders in learning. Her students facilitate whole-class problem-solving and collaborative reading. She shares tricks to challenge students performing on all level and provides insight from lessons learned in the process.


Houses and Leader in Me: How The Two Work Hand-In-Hand

Rocky River uses a four-house system (Think Ron Clark or Harry Potter) for soliciting real teamwork and building school-wide community. This system of positive discipline supports the values of TLIM and fits into the paradigms seemlessly. Our staff and student “Heads of House” will share the details from how it all started to how we keep it going strong!


Sandy Ridge Elementary

We are a K-5 established in 2005. 192 Virtural Students, 419 in person Staff ADM – 71 38 Teachers 13 TAs (including 5 EC TAs and 1 STEAM TA) 6 Office Staff 2 Admin 4 Cafeteria Staff 4 Custodial Staff 4 Other (SRO, OT, Speech, ESL) We also have 2 virtual teachers from other schools that teach our students – 1 at Rea View (Mills) and 1 at Antioch (Cruse) % ESL = 2.29% 14 Students currently enrolledThis is our 4th year as a LIM school.

Implementing Habits at Home

Family Mission Week, Habit Madness Event, Monthly newsletters, Leadership Spirit Day Connections


Leadership Roles

How students are keeping the habits alive this year utilizing leadership roles: Morning broadcast, Celebration Crew, Spirit Committee, Boards Group…


RAMs Time

K and 2nd grade team highlighting RAMs time routines/leadership notebooks, accountability partners, PLC planning for F2F and virtual.


Service Learning/Rambassadors

Our student leaders led our service learning projects this year through engaging our students, staff and community.


Sound of Leadership

Showing Leadership through performance opportunities: Masked Singer, Holiday Talent Show, and Talented Hearts Event.


Shiloh Valley Schools

Shiloh Valley Primary School (Grades PreK-2) and Shiloh Valley Elementary School (Grades 3-5) form the Shiloh Valley Schools serving the wonderful students of our school community. While we are composed of two school buildings, the Shiloh Valley staff consider ourselves to be one school with two buildings. We are #BetterTogether! Our instructional program, protocols, and overall operating procedures are aligned. Our staff works to ensure that our students are #FutureReady learners. Our instructional program consists of the following: STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) classes for all students. The Spanish Dual Language Immersion program is offered to students in all grades. In the Primary building, we have 550 students in preK-2nd grade with 76 staff members. We are 28% free and reduced lunch and 8% of our students are ESL and 13% EC. In addition to our regular K-2 education classrooms we have 2 self-contained and 2 pre-K EC classrooms. In the Elementary building, we have 573 students in 3-5 grades with 60 staff members. We are 36% free and reduced lunch and 10% of our students are ESL and 10% EC. In addition to our regular 3-5 education classrooms we have 1 self-contained. We are a hybrid of virtual and inperson learners with a combined 12 full virtual classrooms and 45 face to face classrooms with 4 days of inperson learning and one day of remote. We are transitioning to 5 days of face to face learning on April 12. Finally, the Shiloh Valley Schools embrace the Leader in Me frame work as our operational foundation. We believe that leadership is for everyone!

Growing Family Roots Event

In this session you will learn how our school builds family connections and educates our community on how we live the Habits at school.


Celebration Station: Book Vending Machine

This session highlights how we are celebrating our students and their successes.


Where do I get Started? Beginning the LIM Journey for School Change

This session may help those that have recently decided to start the LIM journey.


Sun Valley Middle School

We are a 6-8 Middle School in Indian Trail, NC. We have about 1,100 students. Our school is a diverse school of leaders. Our student body is 55% white, 17% African American, 19% Hispanic and 2% Asian. 11% of our students are served with an IEP and 7% of our students are ESL. We have 38 core instruction teachers and 15 elective teachers. We have a dual immersion Spanish program where our students who have been in the program since kindergarten can earn high school credit. This is our second year as a Leader in Me School. All the elementary schools that feed us are Leader in Me schools (2 of them are Lighthouse Schools) so most our students come with a strong foundation in the habits which allows us to focus on living the habits in our everyday lives. Our school is hybrid this year. We have a third of our students who are all virtual, a third who are face to face on Monday/Tuesday and a third that are face to face on Wednesday/Thursday. Friday is all remote for all students. Our students and staff have thrived during the pandemic due to our focus on the habits.

Students Leading the Change, Student Lighthouse Team

Learn about our Student Lighthouse Team. Learn about our application and interview process. Learn about the structure of our SLT and how they are using their voice to make our school even better.


Synergized Staff that are #SpartanStrong

Adult Learning and Support. Our school implemented Habit Huddles to support teachers in living and leading the habits. Learn about our process and hear from our staff about how this weekly huddle time has transformed our year.


Focusing on the Wildly Important

From School WIG to classroom WIG to individual student WIG, learn how our school (even in a pandemic) stays focused on the Wildly Important. See our school and classroom scoreboards and hear from our students about how they track their WIGs in their Leadership Notebooks.


Leading From Afar

Student Leadership roles in a Virtual World. Hear from our students and staff about how we have found ways for our students to lead in the school and virtually.


Growing Leaders #BetterTogether

Learn how our school worked with our feeder elementary schools to promote student voice in the middle school transition process. Learn how the Student Lighthouse teams from the elementary schools presented proposals to the our Studnet Lighthouse Team and how our middle school transition team worked to create and then present to rising sixth graders. We are truly “Learning and Leading Together.”


Structuring Leadership Learning

Our schedule has been set up to support the Leader in Me Framework. Our students and staff have a set schedule to promote the Leadership habits. We do Management Monday, Training Tuesday/Thursday, WIG Wednesday and Family Friday.


Making Change Happen, Everyone has a part

We were a typical school where a few did all the work. Now we are a school where every staff member has a role in making decisions and creating a culture of Learning and Leading Together. Learn about our Action Team process (it was not always as clear as it is now). Hear from our staff about the process and how it aligns with our School Improvement Plan. Our Action Teams are positively impacting the culture and academics in our building.



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