
What We’re Reading: Student-Led Learning

Author: Judy Yauch
September 24, 2014

We read so much about student assessment, especially as standardized tests are being evaluated yet again. I recently read a book by Ron Berger, Leah Rugen, and Libby Woodfin that put a whole new perspective on assessment: Leaders of Their Own Learning: Transforming Schools Through Student-Engaged Assessment.Student led learning small

In the book, the authors say, “The most important assessments that take place in any school building are seen by no one. They take place inside the heads of students, all day long. Students assess what they do, say, and produce, and decide what is good enough. These internal assessments govern how much they care, how hard they work, and how much they learn. They govern how kind and polite they are and how respectful and responsible. They set the standard for what is ‘good enough’ in class. In the end, these are the assessments that really matter.”

The book makes the point that the ultimate leadership role for students is to be leaders of their own learning. Everything about The Leader in Me could be encompassed in that one thought.

When students are leaders of their own learning, they live the principles of the 7 Habits; they are intrinsically motivated, and they contribute to personal, classroom, and schoolwide goals. They are curious and look for answers; they take on leadership roles, and they see needs in the school and fill them. Because they are leaders of their own learning, students see their worth and potential; they are leading their lives and transforming their schools—one student at a time.

This idea caused me to ask myself, “What are the skills necessary for students to be leaders of their own learning?” I find a lot of these skills are being taught through The Leader in Me.

I’d love to know what skills you think are necessary for students to be leaders of their own learning. Let me know in the comments below.

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