Which of the 7 Habits Is Your Favorite?
Author: Carissa Logan
October 26, 2016

Which Habit Would You Choose?
Everyone who has had experience with the 7 Habits knows that each habit connects to the others and they all work together. But you also know in living these habits that there may be one you really lean toward or like the best. We thought it would be interesting to ask some of our Coaches and consultants who live and teach the 7 habits day in and day out which habit they feel is most valuable in their life. Here are their answers:
“Theoretically, I know that if Habit 7 is not being taken care of, one is not as effective with Habits 1–6. However, for me, I find if I start with Habit 2—thinking of my end in mind with work, life, and my key roles—I find more ways to implement the other habits in my life. For example, I can operate in the four dimensions of Habit 7 by including those key people in my life: exercising with my daughter (body), book study (mind), and attending a meditation retreat with friends (heart/soul). By putting key people first in my planning, focusing on making deposits into their Emotional Bank Account, and being proactive, I end up creating a true win-win. I believe that if you are truly living a balanced 7 Habits life, the habits are so closely integrated, you can’t possibly find one more important that the other. All 7 Habits matter!”
“Habit 1 is the most important habit for me. When I read in The 7 Habits that we are not a product of our circumstances, but a product of our choices, it was a turning point in my life. I felt powerful and limitless, knowing that I had the ability to create whatever life I wanted. From that day until now, I do my best to be an actor, not a victim, in my life. But beyond this awareness around choice and action, I believe that without Habit 1, I would not be successful in the other habits. Habit 1 is the engine that drives the suggested behaviors within the other habits. It is foundational to effectively living the 7 Habits.”
“The most important habit for me as an educational coach is Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood. Effective listening is key to my work and to the effectiveness of my coaching delivery, strategic supports, and coaching acumen. In order to fully meet the needs of my schools, I must continue to exercise and enhance my own skills around Habit 5.”
“Habit 2 is wildly important in my life. I’m continually asking myself, ‘Do my behaviors match my mission?’ I try to align my actions to my greater mission, which is to ‘love people well,’ by:
- Developing understanding and humility rather than judgment and pride.
- Engaging in thoughtful and intentional relationships and interactions.
- Serving and celebrating others at every opportunity.
- Subscribing to a standard of grace.
- Exchanging anxiety for gratitude.
- Seeking balance and growth.”
~Sarah Ann Taylor
“This is a funny question, as it’s a loaded question. All of the 7 Habits are important. For me, the habit most important in my life is the habit most needed at that moment. I’m always reflecting on gaps in my own levels of effectiveness as related to my mission statement. Then I simply apply the habit, practice the skills for the identified gap, set a goal around it, and then execute the plan. I take this very simple approach and it has always helped.”
“Habit 5 is so important to model and live by in my personal and professional life. If I truly seek to understand others, it allows me to understand other people’s greatness and be able to connect them to opportunities that maximize their worth and potential.”
“I’d say Habit 1—specifically focusing on my Circle of Influence. It keeps me grounded and focused on spending time and energy on those areas of my life in which I have control and influence. It helps me live a life filled with more peace and joy versus frustration.”
“In my personal and professional life, it’s Habit 7. I’ve always said, ‘we can’t be good for other people if we aren’t good for ourselves first.’ The Daily Private Victory—taking time for yourself, rejuvenating, reenergizing, connecting back to your roles and purpose—is such an integral part to living a balanced, successful life.”
~Ashley Green
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Tags: 21st century education, 21st century skills, emotional intelligence, goal setting, goals, leadership, The Leader in Me, whole-child education