Learn how district administrators can implement Leader in Me with greater cost-efficiency and ownership.
Consider the transformational impact of giving a student the opportunity to develop life-ready leadership skills as they grow up, beginning in kindergarten and continuing through high school graduation. Leader in Me District implementation is a community-wide, cost-effective model that provides students a path to build essential college, and career and life-readiness skills in each grade level.
Implementation on a district-level provides greater ownership, scalability, and flexibility to direct the Leader in Me implementation process and provide ongoing support to schools. This cost-efficient implementation process maintains the same global standard of quality with orientation, training, and ongoing support provided by FranklinCovey. Once roles are assigned, district team members become certified to direct implementation, facilitate training workshops, and provide continual coaching support to ensure measurable results are achieved district-wide.
FranklinCovey will provide support during the selection, training, and certification of one (1) District Coordinator and two (2) Facilitators to oversee implementation and deliver all Leader in Me training workshops. A FranklinCovey Coach will also be assigned to provide support to all schools in the district with a focus on achieving measurable results.
FranklinCovey will provide support during the selection, training, and certification of one (1) District Coordinator and two (2) Coaches to deliver all Leader in Me training workshops, as well as hosting onsite and Community Coaching Days to help schools achieve measurable results. District Coaches will learn the skill of effectively coaching schools through the district Leader in Me Coaching System™.
Once district team members are assigned specific roles, they become certified to direct implementation, facilitate training workshops, and provide ongoing coaching support to their schools. FranklinCovey helps districts establish these roles by qualifying candidates and providing orientation, training, and ongoing support during each year of installation to ensure the district team has the tools and resources necessary to implement Leader in Me successfully. District Coordinators guide and direct Leader in Me implementation for multiple schools. Facilitators and Coaches complete the district implementation team with their certification to deliver training workshops and provide on-site support to schools within their district.
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